A "Voices" Independent

What is a "Voices" Independent?

A Voices Independent represents their electorate with the backing of a broad-based community of supporters who are members of the local Voices group. 

For example, Helen Haines represents the electorate of Indi with the support of Voices of Indi. Zali Steggall represents Warringah with the support of Voices of Warringah

  • Voices Independents are not beholden to a political party, so they don't have to vote the Party line regardless of their conscience or their electorate's wishes.
  • They are selected to represent the electorate by an open vote of members of the Voices group. 
  • They are not people who just decide to stand for Parliament on their own account. 
  • They are not people who have dropped out of major political parties. 
  • The Voices Independent candidates who have been selected so far in other electorates, are exceptionally capable people. They are highly qualified, and have major life achievements before standing for parliament. Local Voices groups have not supported the talentless deadwood that is all too common in major political parties.
  • Voices Independents tend to be centrists who espouse evidence-based policies, and have not come from the extremes of the political spectrum.

Role of Independents in Parliament

In Australia, membership of political parties has been declining for more than a decade. Independents are playing an increasing role in Federal parliament. 

In parliament, Voices Independents can...
  • Speak up for their electorates, and vote on issues according to the broad views of their electorate instead of following a Party line.
  • Introduce Legislation.
  • Sit on committees that examine issues/legislation and report to parliament
  • Represent the views of their electorate in the media through interviews, panels and press releases. Unlike some Party members, their speech to the media will be consistent with how they vote in Parliament.
  • Advocate widely for the issues that are important to their electorate.

Voices of Bradfield

Voices of Bradfield is a newly-formed local organisation. It is one of the Voices groups springing up in 30 electorates across the country, ...

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