Wednesday, 12 February 2020

What to write

We encourage you to write to your MP and your senators. Send an email, or put a letter in the mail. We hear that handwritten letters carry a lot of weight.

What to say? I just throw my thoughts down as they come. Then I re-read and edit. I usually pull back on the ferocity of my feelings. And I usually try to include a reference to current news or data from a reputable source - especially the government's own data.

Here's what I wrote by email to Paul Fletcher this week.

Dear Mr Fletcher,

As my MP, I expect you to promote and support evidence-based policy.

This is especially important with respect to climate policy. Your government has given us ‘the lost decade’ in climate policy. I hold you personally responsible because your voting record on climate issues is abysmal.

Now, that can change.

I expect you to support the Zali Steggall bill, because it is vitally important and because it is based on the best evidence.

If you DON’T vote for it, I will want to know why. I will want to see a STRONGER bill proposed by the government before June. 

It is increasingly clear who are the hostage-takers in your government- a handful of right-wing idiots who hold the rest of you to ransom. 

Your government will go down in history as the most incompetent, corrupt government in Australian history. I hope you blush every week at the antics of your colleagues. YOU will be remembered as complicit in this malpractice.

One small way to redeem yourself will be to vote FOR the Private Members Bill. I expect no less of you.

In this case, I tried to be fierce but polite. I made direct statements about what I want Fletcher to do.

The media reports that our letters, emails and phone calls are making a difference. So, get creative, send your pollies a message.

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Voices of Bradfield

Voices of Bradfield is a newly-formed local organisation. It is one of the Voices groups springing up in 30 electorates across the country, ...

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